"I Had a Heart Attack*" is an experimental permutation of my style, and a personal essay of sorts which comedically details a health scare I experienced. The animation incorporates text in a way that mimics or plays off magazine design, while the repetitive music anchored by a heart beat was composed to both fit the narration and serve as a bed for sound effects in such a way that the sound design of the piece feels holistic.
While the pacing of the text-driven magazine aspects of the piece doesn't quite work in retrospect, it was a good learning experience. And, it worked well enough for YouTube to highlight the piece for its coveted Spotlight feature!

If you're the rare kind of person who likes supporting independent animation with no commercial purpose, go like this thing on the EDLUNDART YouTube channel, and subscribe. Or, hire me to make cool animated things for your company. Or, decide that I can't tell you what to do, and go about your day as you normally would. These are all valid choices. Thanks for having a look — and check out more fun stuff on the animation page!