"Nebula One" is an animated miniseries set in space, or at least the template for such a thing. It was independently produced as a fun personal project, with the added benefit of stretching and expanding my skillset as a director and animator. I created three quick episodes based on not-so-great scripts, but could potentially revisit the project with better writing in the future. A concept for a story arc involves the establishing of a sports franchise in space, for television. Basically, our two astronauts are on a mission to start setting up a spaceship racing league to entertain the masses. But for now, dodging space rocks and worrying about avatars takes up most of their time.
The visuals of this project are a complex mix of 2D illustration, 3D environments, and treated photographic (telescopic!) material for the star fields — with everything coming together as essentially hand-drawn 2D animation.

If you're the rare kind of person who likes supporting independent animation with no commercial purpose, go like this thing on the EDLUNDART YouTube channel, and subscribe. Or, hire me to make cool animated things for your company. Or, decide that I can't tell you what to do, and go about your day as you normally would. These are all valid choices. Thanks for having a look! Oh, and don't miss all the other cool projects on the animation page.