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The National Assembly of State Arts Agencies, headquartered in Washington, D.C., is the membership organization that unites, represents and serves state and jurisdictional arts agencies across the United States. Ahead of a conference, but also intended for lawmakers, the nonprofit wanted an 11"x17" handout presenting some key facts about state and federal arts funding. Working primarily with Research Director Ryan Stubbs, I developed a collection of infographics that would work as a whole in print, but also as modular pieces for the web or projected presentations.

Poster by freelance designer BÃ¥rd Edlund featuring infographics about arts funding in the USA

While the map graphic at top was essentially a re-skinning of an existing lo-fi asset, the donut charts and other modules were developed specifically for this document, along with the icon illustrations that help announce each topic.


More projects are exhibited on the design page.


Bård Edlund designs and animates for clients worldwide through EDLUNDART,

a multidisciplinary studio in NYC.

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@edlundart pretty much everywhere

Please be advised that EDLUNDART is manufactured in a facility that processes tree nuts.

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